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St. Colm's High School celebrating Volunteer Week with the wider community

"People making a difference, in their local community"

Many young people from St. Colm's High School and local members of the community volunteered over the last couple of months enhancing the beautiful Biodiversity Trail at the rear of the school known as Susan's Trail, dedicated in memory of a much-loved colleague Susan Potter. This area has won numerous prestigious awards over the years, and it is an area close to the hearts of many in St. Colm's High School.

During Volunteer Week 1st - 7th June, ninety certificates have been awarded to all the volunteers who give up their time and energy to work on this precious area. Mrs Devlin, Eco-coordinator, and Mrs Belaid, Youth Tutor, would like to thank everyone involved. The Cornstore Youth Club, Ballinascreen Men's Shed, Draperstown Celtic, and members of the local and wider community.


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