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Accelerated Reader
Accelerated Reader (AR) is a computer program that helps to monitor children’s independent reading practice. All KS3 pupils at St Colm’s have access to the Accelerated Reader Programme. Pupils complete a ‘Star Reading’ test in September to identify their own individual reading level. From this the pupils are given a ‘reading colour’ and are encouraged to choose a book at their own level from our extensive library and read it at their own pace.
Pupils using AR choose their own books to read, rather than having one assigned to them.
This makes reading a much more enjoyable experience as they can choose books that are interesting to them. When pupils have finished reading their book they take an online quiz on this particular book on an ipad and get immediate feedback. Pupils respond to regular feedback and are motivated to make progress with their reading skills. As pupils receive regular feedback from AR, teachers and the librarian are given many opportunities to praise the children for their successes and to discuss with them what they have been reading.
Another ‘Star Reading’ test is completed in January allowing the school librarian to monitor pupils progress and change their ‘reading colour’ if necessary, allowing pupils to move onto reading more challenging books at their reading level improves. A third and final ‘Star Reading’ test is completed in May. Results from this test indicate how much improvement has been made by each individual pupil throughout the school year. The AR programme has already been a great success at St Colm’s with 84% of KS3 pupils improving their reading age by more than one year. Individual pupil achievements are celebrated through the pastoral programme and at KS3 Award Ceremonies.