Tel: 028 79628377 Fax: 028 79628973
Staff: Mrs E. Young
All pupils are potentially musical and can benefit from learning experiences which develop their knowledge, understanding and skills. By actively engaging with the core musical activities – composing, performing and listening – they learn more about both making and responding to music. At Key Stage 3, they have opportunities to improve their understanding of how interdependent composing, performing and listening are.
In all three activities, they create personal meaning, express their own feelings, explore diverse musical tastes and experiment creatively.
They focus on music in society, both in their own culture and others, past and present, and learn about its power to evoke mood and atmosphere.
They also learn about how to be discriminating consumers of music, and become more aware of the skills required to be successful in the music industry.
KS3 Subject Overview
KS3 Music is delivered two classes per fortnight
Year 8
Introduction to the Orchestra
Class singing
Rhythm and Pulse
Tin whistle
Chinese Music
Programmatic Music
Group composition tasks
Year 9
Music for Cartoon sequences
Keyboard skill development
Healthy Lifestyles Raps (Whole School Connected learning unit)
Class singing
Tin whistle
Group composition tasks
Year 10
Popular music
Garageband (CCEA ICT accreditation task)
Music for t.v. and film
Group composition tasks
Keyboard skill development
World music (Whole School connected learning unit)
KS4 Subject Overview
KS4 Music is delivered six classes per fortnight.
Exam Board: CCEA
Extra-Curricular Provision
Irish Trad. Group
School Musicals
School Masses
Harvest Mass
Carol Service
Easter Service
Spring Concert
Awards Ceremony
Open Night
Performing at Ballinascreen Fold
E.A. Peripatetic Tuition
​- Strings - Mrs C McKay
- Woodwind & Brass - Mr D. Tohill
Revision Websites
Career Opportunities​
Music Therapist
Recording producer/Engineer
Conductor/Musical Director
Music administrator/Concert Arranger
Instrument maker/Dealer