Maths Anxiety: A free webinar & free courses for parents and students
1. Free webinar for parents on helping your Maths-anxious child
I bet you've heard some of these phrases at parents' evening: "I'm afraid she gets her maths brain from me", "I'm not a maths person", "I'm useless at maths", "What they learn in school is so hard these days"... etc etc. As maths teachers this is heart-breaking, but what these parents are really saying is that they are maths-anxious, under-confident and unsure how to help their child with maths. At Eedi, we want to help those parents. Using both the latest research and her vast experience in this area, Rachel will give practical advice on ways parents can help their children with their maths, whether they are struggling with maths anxiety or stuck on their homework. And they'll learn tips for keeping their own maths anxieties at bay too! The webinar takes place on Wednesday 3rd November at 7:30pm. If your parent network might be interested, please feel free to pass on the link below to your networks via email or social media: 2. Free course for Maths-anxious Parents
In addition to the live webinar, we also have a short online course called "Helping with Homework: For Maths-Anxious Parents" that is ready to access now. It guides parents through a few of the ways they can help their child without having to know too much about the maths. Why not check it out for yourself and see if you think your students’ parents would benefit from it? "Have looked through this as a teacher to recommend to my pupils and colleagues - it is great! Thank you" 3. Free course for Students with Maths anxiety
And while we're at it, just a reminder that our free maths anxiety course for students is still available here. We have had over 2000 students already complete the course and some lovely praise coming in from those who have found it really valuable. Why not set it as a homework at some point this term once you have got to know your classes? We send through an email certificate upon completion of the course so you'll have something handy to record as evidence! "The best course that i have been given on math and anxiety :D" "I must say it was very useful and i'm happy to know how i can reduce my anxiety" "Thank you for this course it really helped me :)" Stay safe and thanks for reading.
Craig and the Eedi Team