‘Career Connections’ Business Fair
St Colm’s hosted their inaugural ‘Career Connections’ Business Fair, on Thursday 7th December. The event was open to not only Year 11-14 pupils and parents from St Colm’s but also all other local schools including those in the Magherafelt Rural Learning Partnership. There was huge uptake and interest across the locality reflected in the huge turnout, positive atmosphere and feedback.
Over thirty local businesses and universities attended this unique community collaboration event. There was much appreciation among pupils and parents to experience the wealth of employment opportunities that exists on our doorstep. Endless conversations and networking took place between 5-8pm with initial connections established with appropriate companies which will now be built upon moving forward with further initiatives between St Colm’s in partnership with Workspace and local business. Advise was provided on future employment, levels of entry, part time jobs, application processes, skills and qualities required in specific industries and across in the modern workplace, entrepreneurship and apprenticeships locally, together with information on pathways and training to access these opportunities.